Friday, May 18, 2012

Life on the Frontier

Frontier the edge of settlement, defined as the part of a country with expanding settlement that is being opened up by hunters, herders, and other pioneers [that would be me] in advance of full urban settlement. 

Being sent or called to "world's end" in the Wyoming prairies about six years ago is a ongoing frontiersman experience. Returning to my childhood home - literally and a lifestyle, remembered in childlike ways is a reconnecting, rediscovering and redesigning challenge on the edge of wild.

Wild and exhilarating - a place where one can see for miles and the wind is almost always blowing. I love the wind in my hair as I zoom over the hills especially with a dear friend on my four-wheeler. The reaction is almost always wonder at the vastness of the countryside coupled with a closeness at being side by side in it.